J.G.Huckenpohler Comments ERB-APA #46 A Reply

I also had the greatest of pleasure to discuss with John Roy the subject of John Clayton II's assignment to Africa. I very much agree with you when you state, "Without naming names, Burroughs clearly describes the Congo crisis, brought on by the treatment of the natives in the Congo by King Leopold II of Belgium." We part company when you stated, "The crisis originated in 1884 and led to the creation of the Congo Free State in 1887. Thus, Tarzan's birth can be predated by only two or three years at the most."


Huck, my research indicates the Leopold thing peaked in 1884, but it originated much sooner. From mid-century, Britain and France began to be more aggressive in their dealings with African societies. This was particularly true in the 1870s when the declining profitability of the vegetable oil trade led to an increase in disputes between African and European merchant groups.

Leopold II Of Belgium
Leopold II Of Belgium

Around 1865 King Leopold, acting independently of the Belgium government, began to make his presence felt in the Congo territories. Slavery, at this time, had been abolished by most European powers and Leopold claimed his presence in the area was to stop Arabs from capturing and transporting slaves from Belgium Congo to East Africa.

1872 Africa
1872 Africa

Since the competition was so stiff among the Europeans, at this time, Britain and France suspected Leopold of having hidden intentions. Those intentions were to profit himself. By the 1870's it was generally known about Leopold's forcible rubber and ivory collecting, but it was not until 1884 that it became world famous. Thus, John Clayton's setting sail in 1872 would not change his mission in the least. For more on this see The Greystoke's Destination. printed in Tarzine #55.

Tarzine #55
Tarzine #55

About The Author

James Michael Moody is a lifelong fan and collector of Edger Rice Burroughs. Moody has contributed over two hundred articles to various ERB-related fanzines, over a span of forty-five years. He also manages an unauthorized Tarzan blog titled, Greystoke Chronologist: James Michael Moody. There the researcher chronologies the Tarzan books starting in May 1872 (known as the pushback theory).instead of the more excepted date May 1888.

James Michael Moody is also the author of the action-packed Sci-Fi fantasy adventure Unium series. Pioneers On Unium, published December 31, 2019, and Exiled On Unium, published August 25, 2022. Swordsman On Unium is going through the publishing process.

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